Shipping & Delivery

Delivery Time

  • Delivery Time=Processing Time+Shipping Time
  • Delivery time may vary depending on the destination country/region.
  • We provide a free, fast delivery service for all orders over $89 that are shipped to the US. All international orders will incur a small amount of shipping, which is reflected in the checkout.
  • Different items have different processing times. You can check the processing time on the product page. After placing an order, you can check the order delivery information from the online order status page. We will also notify you through your registered email.
  • We ship to the following countries or regions. (We do not provide delivery services to countries or regions not mentioned yet, so we hope for your understanding)
Country/Region Processing Time Shipping Time Shipping Fee
United States 1-5 business days  7-9 Business days $11.99
Canada 1-5 business days 6-10 Business days $9.99
Australia, New Zealand 1-5 business days 8-11 Business days $9.99
United Kingdom 1-5 business days 6-12 Business days $9.99
Germany, France 1-5 business days 6-12 Business days $9.99

Other Countries:
Denmark, Austria,  Italy, Norway, Belgium,  Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Japan, Czech Republic

1-5 business days 10-15 Business days $9.99

Standard Shipping: 7-15 business days of shipping time, for remote areas, it may take up to 20 business days of shipping time.

Express Shipping: 1-4 business days of shipping time, for remote areas, it may take longer.

Shipping Fee

Standard Shipping (7-15 Business days): USD $9.99-$11.99

Free shipping on orders over $89 USD

About delivery

All delivery times are estimated, and Boozelele is not responsible for delays due to some unpredicted factors (weather, courier factors, customer error, holiday-related delays) or any other unforeseen factors.

Once a package has been packed or shipped out, we cannot change the shipping address for you. Please ensure the shipping address is correct during the checkout. We are not liable for packages lost due to incomplete or inaccurate addresses.

All orders reported as "delivered" by shipping companies are considered delivered. Boozelele cannot be made liable of packages lost in this case.

About tax

In rare cases, an order may be charged customs fees by your government, not our website, and you will be responsible for these fees. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we have no control over the customs authorities in your country or any other country. Contact your local customs office to learn more about customs fees, duties, and taxes.

If you have any other questions, please contact our customer service at